Dr. Kraus
Studio dentistico
The multi-specialist dental practice Dr. Kraus offers consultation and all its services in multiple languages to meet the needs of its patients. We speak Italian, German, Swiss-German, English, and French, thus ensuring smooth communication and optimal understanding during each visit.
"From dental hygiene treatment to implantology, our expert team is here to assist you, regardless of your native or preferred language."
Die Zahnarztpraxis Dr. Kraus bietet Beratung und alle ihre Dienstleistungen in verschiedenen Sprachen an, um den Bedürfnissen ihrer Patienten gerecht zu werden. Wir sprechen Italienisch, Deutsch, Schweizerdeutsch, Englisch und Französisch und gewährleisten so eine reibungslose Kommunikation und optimales Verständnis während jedes Besuchs.
"Von der Zahnhygienebehandlung bis zur Implantologie steht Ihnen unser erfahrenes Team zur Verfügung, unabhängig von Ihrer Muttersprache oder Ihrer bevorzugten Sprache."
Lo studio dentistico polispecialistico Dr. Kraus offre consulenza e tutti i suoi servizi in diverse lingue per soddisfare le esigenze dei suoi pazienti. Parliamo italiano, tedesco, svizzero-tedesco, inglese e francese, garantendo così una comunicazione fluida e una comprensione ottimale durante ogni visita.
"Dal trattamento di igiene dentale all'implantologia, il nostro team esperto è qui per aiutarti, indipendentemente dalla tua lingua madre o dal linguaggio preferito"
Dr. Kraus dental practice offers an extensive expertise in different dental specialities and subspecialities, a long clinical experience and a state-of-the-art infrastructure. For multidisciplinary treatments from simple to complex.

We value top-quality dentistry and personal care tailored to specific patient‘s needs.

The practice provides the expertise of dentists specialized in various fields of dentistry.
Dr. med. dent. Dan Kraus
Specialist in reconstructive dentistry (SSO/SSRD)
Dr. med. dent. Riccardo D. Kraus
Specialist in Oral Surgery (SSO/SSOS)
Specialist in Reconstructive Dentistry (SSO/SSRD)
MAS Oral & Implant Surgery, University of Berne
MAS Oraler Implantologie, University of Zurich
Certificate of Continuing Education in Oral Implantology (SSO/SGI)
EPA Recognized Specialist in Prosthodontics (European Prosthodontic Association)
Senior Lecturer, University of Zurich (Research Profile →)
Dr. Michele Calabro’
Specialist in Orthodontics
Lingual Orthodontics Master Degree, University of Ferrara
Diplomate of the Italian Board of Orthodontics (IBO)
Diplomate of the European Board of Orthodontists (EBO)
Gaia Bacci
Dental hygienist
Dr.ssa Maria Concetta D’Andrea
Endodontics and restorative dentistry

Suzanna Tochi
Apprentice dental assistant

Smeralda Damani
Apprentice dental assistant